Wednesday, June 5, 2013

2012 - Metro Style Responsive Template

2012 - Metro Style Responsive Template - Creative Site Templates

If you like this theme, please dont forget to rate it

Update 1.1

Added new media queries

Theme features

  • Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design

  • Left and right sliding menu

  • Include Zuper Responsive Multitouch Slider – $10 Value

  • Sortable full screen gallery

  • Logo pop-up with copyright and social icons

  • Full screen image viewer with fade effect

  • 3D Carousel

  • Youtube background with custom controls

  • Tabbed page – About us

  • Animated progress bar

  • Testimonials

  • Our Team

  • Animated our proccess icons

  • Shortcodes – Headings, Dropcaps, List styles, Large notice boxes, Notification boxes, Accordions, Buttons, Tabs, Testimonials, Icons, Columns and much more

  • Pricing tables

  • 404 page

  • Page width types

  • Count down page

  • Full width blog

  • Clasic blog style with gallery, image, blockquote and video posts

  • Blog post with sliding comments section

  • Full page sortable portfolio with 4, 3, 2 columns

  • PrettyPhoto

  • Project page with image scroller

  • Classic project page

  • Contact page with full screen map

  • Clasic contact page

  • Custom marker map with personalized pop up

  • Include Ajax contact form – $4 Value

Pages included

  • Homepage

  • Responsive Multitouch Slider

  • Image viewer

  • Zuper slider carousel

  • Video background

  • About us

  • Shortcodes

  • Pricing tables

  • 404 error

  • Pages width types

  • Countdown page

  • Full width blog

  • Classic blog style

  • Blog post

  • Portfolio 4 columns

  • Portfolio 3 columns

  • Portfolio 4 columns

  • Project page

  • Simple project page

  • Contact full screen map

  • Contact classic

Left and right sliding menus

5 template color included

And very easy to create you own color theme

About us – tabed page

Our story, Meet our team, Services, Our proccess

Sortable full screen gallery

Item types, Filters in right menu, PrettyPhoto

404 page


With 4, 3, 2 columns, Filters in right menu, PrettyPhoto

Countdown page

Very easy to customize date

Contact page

Full screen map, personalized marker with pop-up, contact details and form in right menu

And much more features…

Credits and Sources

We used icons for this theme from:

  • Icon Finder

  • Entypo Icons

Fonts used:

  • District Thin

Images are not included in the .zip file

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