Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Katniss Premium Admin Template

Katniss Premium Admin Template - ThemeForest Item for Sale

Katniss Responsive Admin Template is a unique animated admin template using css3 with many features, plugins and custom elements that you can use fo your backend projects. This template has 3 different skins hat you can change anytime you want. This template also very useful for any type of application.

If you found any bugs, strange looks, errors or have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to let me know, no guarantees but I will do my best to fix those issues as soon as possible. Enjoy!

New version released 1.3

Mobile View

Mail & Chat Page


Media Manager

List of features

  • Reponsive layout

  • Collapsible Menu

  • Valid HTML5/CSS3

  • Bootstrap Elements

  • Media Manager

  • Theme UI Elements

    • Tabbed Widget

    • Accordion Widget

    • Color Picker

    • Sliders

    • Date Picker

    • Growl Notifications

    • Alert Boxes

    • Sortable List

  • Bootstrap Components

    • Dropdown Menu

    • Single Button Group

    • Tabs

    • Pagination

    • Pager

    • Progress Bars

    • Button Dropdown

    • Nav Bar

    • Breadcrumbs

    • Labels & Badges

    • Modal Window, Tooltip and Popover

    • and many more…

  • Tables (Static & Dynamic)

  • Typograhy (Headings, Blockquotes, Alerts, List Styles, Pre & Code)

  • Graphs & Charts

    • Simple Chart

    • Bar Graph

    • Pie Chart

    • Real Time Chart

  • Messages & Chat

  • Buttons & Icons (Glyphicons, Font Awesome, Icon Sweets)

  • Forms and Wizard Forms

  • Sleek TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor (not responsive)

  • Calendar

  • CSS3 Animations (IE version 9 and below not supported)

  • Additional Pages (Error Page, Invoice Page, Edit Profile, Grid Styles)

  • 20 html files

  • Roboto Fonts by Google

  • Animated Login Page


Update 1.3 – 02/25/2013

  • Added: Page with sticky header support (Other Pages/stickyheader.html)

  • Added: jQuery Migrate Plugin to restore deprecated features in older version of jQuery

  • Added: Bootstrap File Upload

  • Added: Bootstrap Time Picker

  • Updated: jQuery version to 1.9.1

  • Updated: Replace dashboard box icons

  • Updated: Bootstrap version to 2.3.0

  • Updated: jQuery Chosen version to 0.9.11

  • Updated: jQuery Colorbox version to 1.4.3

  • Updated: jQuery DataTables version to 1.9.4

  • Fixed: fixed leftpanel permanently for overflowing dropdown in footer

  • Fixed: fixed leftpanel margin in Chrome

Update 1.2 – 02/15/2013

  • Added: 20 Image Loaders

  • Added: Search Results Page

  • Added: FAQ Page

  • Added: Autogrow Textarea

  • Fixed: LeftPanel fix for overflowing drop down in footer (see FAQ on how)

Update 1.1 – 01/28/2013

  • Fixed: Search input width in mobile view

  • Updated: Bootstrap 2.2.2

  • Added: Ajax image loaders

  • Added: jQuery Cookie for theme switcher

Update 1.0 – 01/25/2013

  • Initial Release

Sources & Credits

  • IconSweets – Free Icons by YummyGum

  • IconSweets2 – Even more free icons by YummyGum

  • Glyphicons Icons by Glyphicons

  • Gemicon Icons by Turqois

  • Font Awesome Icons by Font Awesome

  • jQuery by John Resig

  • jQuery UI

  • WYSIWYG TinyMCE – by TinyMCE

  • ColorPicker by Stefan Petre

  • FullCalendar v1.5.2 by Adam Shaw

  • jQuery Alert Dialogs Plugin by Cory S.N. LaViska

  • ColorBox v1.3.18

  • Flot Chart

  • jGrowl 1.2.6 by Stan Lemon

  • jQuery Validation by Jörn Zaefferer

  • Roboto Font by Google

  • Smart Wizard by TechLaboratory

  • Character Count Plugin – Alen Grakalic

  • AutoGrow Textarea

  • Tags Input – Xoxco

  • jQuery Uniform

  • Animate CSS by Dan Eden

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