Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Vertigo - Responsive HTML Template

Vertigo - Responsive HTML Template - Portfolio Creative

Vertigo – Responsive HTML Template

Features you can find in “Vertigo” template

  • All pages are W3C Valid

  • Fully tableless design

  • Pages templates:

    • Home page

    • 2 Portfolio filter options:

      • Fade filter

      • Masonry filter

    • Portfolio single page

    • 2 Blog layout

      • Fullwidth

      • Page with sidebar

    • 3 Blog single page solutions

    • Contact page

    • About us

    • Elements

    • Gallery

    • Showreel

  • jQuery Features:

    • Flexslider

    • Socialize icons widget

    • Photostream widget:

      • Pinterest

      • Instagram

      • Dribbble

      • Flickr

    • Toggle content

    • Accordion content

    • Masonry

    • Image view with PrettyPhoto

    • Fully working PHP contact form

    • Google map plugin

  • Documentation files: Html



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